5 Ocak 2022 Çarşamba

There must have been black holes and neutron stars in the early universe that were older than our universe, which was not affected by the big bang.

                                                      Most massive pulsar nebula discovered

A pulsar is a rapidly rotating neutron star. Sometimes they emit rapid “pulsar winds” of electrons and protons. source: https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.13806.(February 12,2024
If a massive black hole exploded or two black holes collided, an appearance like the one we see in the picture might emerge. The innermost ring is the youngest newly formed Universe, and the outermost Universe is the oldest. I guess there could be hundreds or millions of multiverses, up to an unknown limit number between the two youngest and oldest Universe


                      SMSS J1144.77 is the fastest growing black hole of the last 9 billion years.
But there's something really weird about J1144. There may also be quasars with the same activity level that are "older than the age of the universe." https://t.co/cqlAk30haf. mesonestars.com.15.2.2024

If the Big-Bang occurred not from a singularity, but from a black hole explosion at maximum mass and density, or from the collision of two massive opposite black holes, there must be black holes and quasars older than the big-bang. I have written articles. Especially as images from the James Webb telescope arrive, my theory gets stronger every day and the possibility of proof increases. In the early Universe after the Big Bang, there were black holes, neutron stars, quasars, pulsars, etc. that were older than the Universe we live in. I think it may be proven in the near future.

                                            Colliding black hole model .nasa.gov.Some of the super black holes and neutron stars in the early Universe must have remained unaffected by the explosion but remained within the newly formed Universe, enabling the formation of galaxies and stars.If this theory I propose comes true, some of the super black holes in the Early Universe must be older than our Universe. I think Multiple Universes are possible.

                                                          Black holes preparing to collide.nasa.gov. In recent research, huge structures that can be 10 billion light years in size have been discovered. These structures must have formed according to the masses and densities of the colliding black holes. I think the collisions of two giant black holes in opposite directions, which have reached the limit size and density, can create a Universe within the Universe or twin Universes.


                                                          Ton 618.The largest black hole detected to date.
                                     The black holes shown, which range from 100,000 to more than 60 billion times our                                                                       Sun’s mass


Life may have emerged just seconds after the Big Bang.Astronomers have discovered surprising evidence that life may exist in unexpected corners of the universe.https://t.co/GxHiuCHSuB.Meson stars.December 12,2023.I wrote that our Universe did not come into being with a Big Bang and that it could have been caused by the explosion of a black hole that reached the limit size in the pre-existing Universe or by the collision of two extraordinarily large black holes in opposite directions. Black holes that are not affected by the explosion should be the creators of the new Universe and galaxies. James Webb sends photos every day that support this theory.


Scientists have recorded unprecedentedly strong gravitational waves from a supermassive black hole collision.Gravitational waves caused by mega black hole collisions have been discovered, confirming Einstein’s theory of general relativity. In a study published this week in the journal Physical Review Letters, scientists discovered evidence of supermassive black hole collisions hidden in data collected by the LIGO and Virgo detectors in 2019. The largest black hole merger ever recorded produced a black hole 150 times more massive than the Sun, challenging some conventional wisdom.  mesonstars.com/space/scientis                

           What happens when two super-super-sized and densed black holes collide in opposite directions?

Nuclear fusion, called fusion, occurs naturally in our Sun at high temperatures and pressures, when hydrogen atoms combine to form Helium. As a result of fusion, enormous amounts of energy are released in the Sun. Black holes 40-50 billion times larger than the mass and density of the Su are known. The limit size of super-super-black holes must be even greater. In the explosion of a trans-black hole, unlimited-infinite energy is nothing compared to it.


                        Collision of neutron stars. Collision of two super-supersuper densities and opposing black holes can                                     create a new universe or universes,ı sugest.

 I think that this collision that may occur within the old Universe could create two new Universes with opposite directions. BIG-BANG theory may be invalid. The collision of two super-super-black holes may not be observed, but the gravitational waves from the collision can be detected, I think. The first formation moment of the Universe should only be observable from a Universe outside the Universe we live in.

Some of the black holes must have existed before the BIG-BANG in early universe;theese black holes in the galaxies we observe may be older than our Universe.However, They must have remained within the Universe we live in and formed galaxies and stars from the infinite energy and materials resulting from the explosion.
If observations can be made back to the origins of the universe, the remnants of the collision of two super-super black holes that destroyed everything except other black holes and neutron star-like formations can be traced. It must be difficult to observe due to dense matter or other released dark energy-material formations. -bang is unobservable, I think. Because this moment and event happened in the previous Universe and a new Universe was born. Background radiation and gravitational waves can be detected because they were formed after the explosion. The situation is explained by the "inflation theory". In my opinion, this inflation or rapid expansion is a phenomenon that the collision of two super-super-black holes invalidates the known laws of physics.

  What happens when two super-super-sized and dense black holes collide in opposite directions? I think that this collision that may occur within the old Universe could create two new Universes with opposite directions. BIG-BANG theory may be invalid. The collision of two super-super-black holes may not be observed, but the gravitational waves from the collision can be detected, I think. The first formation moment of the Universe should only be observable from a Universe outside the Universe we live in.

If observations can be made back to the origins of the universe, the remnants of the collision of two super-super black holes that destroyed everything except other black holes and neutron star-like formations can be traced. It must be difficult to observe due to dense matter or other released dark energy-material formations. -bang is unobservable, I think. Because this moment and event happened in the previous Universe and a new Universe was born. Background radiation and gravitational waves can be detected because they were formed after the explosion. The situation is explained by the "inflation theory". In my opinion, this inflation or rapid expansion is a phenomenon that the collision of two super-super-black holes invalidates the known laws of physics.Çeviri sonuçlar_borderCollision of two opposing super-super-sized and black holes can create a new line in the Universe, two opposite oriented Universes. Also, twin Universes that occur in pairs are in the form of half rings, oppositely charged and not fully symmetri

Çeviri sonuçları


                                           Tasmanian Black hole:This black hole could get bigger. There has to be a limit to      growth, and then there can be a big -bang or a crash.


                                        Oldest black hole, same age as the universe, discovered 13.2 billion light years away (meson stars:December 8,2023)
Black holes older than the universe can be found. Instead of a Bing-bang, I think there are other possibilities, such as "the collision of two super-super black holes in opposite directions to form a new Universe within the universe".The discovery of older black holes could further support my hypothesis of "opposite, not perfectly symmetrical duality."

If we consider that the rings formed by a stone thrown into the water in the innermost Universe are in a big collision or big-bang, the appearance of countless binary Universes that are not perfectly symmetrical, expanding in the opposite direction and in charge, can be obtained. Every new Universe formation must start from the Universe within. The collision of two opposing super-super-super-sized black holes can create new two opposing Universes within the Universe. In addition, twin Universes that occur in pairs are in the form of half rings, oppositely and charged, and they are not fully symmetrical.

 The cosmic microwave background radiation may also be the remnants of the collision and explosion of two Opposite black holes of super-intensity and size.

I don't think the big- bang was caused by an explosion stuck in a space smaller than an atom. According to quantum theory, it is stated that this is not possible. It is known that galaxies and their black holes merge and grow. Growth must have a limit. In a galaxy that has reached this stage, an opposing super-super-sized  black holed may have collided and formed a new two Universes within the Universe.The cosmic background radiation may be the remnants of the collision of two super supermassive and dense black holes instead of the big bang.


PKS 2014-55 is an ordinary radio galaxy when viewed in visible light. But when gazed at through the lens of the remarkable MeerKAT radio telescope, a distinct X is unveiled in extraordinary detail.(Far life).
The galaxy in the picture is made up of two parts that are mirror images of each other.Let's imagine that we divide the human body in two half. The right and left halves of the human body are combined as mirror images of each other and are not completely symmetrical. This also validates the theory of "opposite asymmetric duality" in the galaxy structuring.


“James Webb” discovers six small galaxies within a giant ancient galaxy

The James Webb Space Telescope has helped scientists confirm that the JADES-GS-z13-0 object is the oldest galaxy ever discovered. It is another challenge to current theories that explain the evolution of the universe, individual stars, and galaxies.(January 6,2024 ) mesonestars.com.Nature.com news.

Discovery of the oldest black hole in the universe confirmed – it doesn't fit our view of nature

                                             0ldest black hole
This object is 13.4 billion light years away from us, meaning it existed just 440 million years after the Big Bang. The launch of the James Webb Infrared Observatory promised many discoveries in the early universe.

Scientists are now convinced of the existence of black holes with masses that were unimaginable at the time, forcing them to rewrite their models and cosmology of the evolution of these objects and the universe itself. Webb doesn’t seem to be stopping there, as this will allow him to collect enough material to create a new model for the emergence and growth of black holes and explain processes in the early universe. For example, based on current theory, the black hole at the center of GN-z11 should be ingesting matter five times faster than we think. Otherwise, it would not have reached detectable mass 440 million years after the Big Bang. Moreover, they were not formed by the collapse of a giant star, but directly by the collapse of interstellar gas that formed after the universe was born. It is believed that the material collected by “Webb” is sufficient to generate new cosmological hypotheses, which can then be developed into a coherent theory.January 18.2024.mesonsstars.com

source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07052-5 I think the webb telescope supports the information received almost every day that the theory that the Universe was formed from a big-bang and a singularity, which I have been defending and putting forward for about 4 years, may be invalid. I think it is necessary to seriously consider that the black holes observed in the early Universe may or may have existed there before the Big Bang. The collision and explosion of two gigantic black holes of supersized and densities may create a new Universe within the Universe. The oldest black hole and other black holes found after the Big Bang or collision. Depending on their size and distance from the explosion, some of them must have been unaffected or less affected. Almost everything except neutron stars and black holes must have disappeared, and black holes fed by residual materials must have grown rapidly. Everything in the universe and in nature is formed, develops and disappears. The same rule applies in the Universe. In another possibility, the components of the Universe that were not affected by the explosion are thrown out as the old Universe. Webb cannot determine the explosion that may occur as a result of this collision, because we can see the space and time we live in, not the past.

           The gravitational waves in the picture look similar to my Universes within the Universe models. The innermost of the gravitational waves can be considered as the innermost Universe and the youngest Universe, and the outermost gravitational wave can be considered as the oldest Universe. The outermost Universe must be dying when it reaches the limit size and limits. My theory, which I proposed about four years ago, is that the bing-bang does not occur from a singularity, and that the bing-bang could be the explosion of a black hole that has reached the limit size and density, or the collision of two opposite-direction black holes of enormous mass and density. supportive.            


Accretion burst discovered in young variable star Sgr V1741.A near perfect circle full of young bright blue stars is formed around a ball of older mostly red giant stars. In between is a gap that appears almost completely empty. Some black holes that were not unaffected or survived the Big Bang could similarly rapidly form the oldest galaxies in our Universe.Black holes at the centers of oldest galaxies may be older than our Universe

Data from the James Webb Telescope confirmed that the first black holes were not formed from stars.
The question of the birthright of stars and black holes is a chicken-and-egg question. What came first? We are witnessing massive stars turning into black holes – it's a proven fact. At the same time, we are also focusing on the existence of supermassive black holes in the early universe that would not have had time to reach detectable mass. “James Webb” seems ready to solve this mystery. (February 8,2024)mesonstar.com/space

I wrote that super black holes in the early Universe may have existed before the BIG_BANG. Super black holes may be older than our Universe; After the big-bang, they must have remained in the new Universe we live in and formed new galaxies and stars. Their findings supporting the theory or phrase of Multiple Universes or "Universes within the Universe" proposed by me are supported almost every day by Jamess webb and Hubble. The big-bang may not have arisen from a singularity. The explosion of a gigantic black hole that reached maximum density and mass and the collision of two black holes close to the limit sizes must have created the big bang. Black holes, neutron stars, quasars and others that were not affected by the big bang must have structured our new Universe.

                            Thanks to NASA, James Webb, Hubble, ESA and others those ı don't know.


   Lightly asymmetrical in  opposite directions Universe models  suggested by me






                                    Binary, not perfectly symmetrical opposite sided sister Universes(ı didn't draw)

All Universes must be intertwined in the form of Opposite and charged asymmetrical ever-expanding half rings. Although these Universes appear symmetrical, they are not fully symmetrical. Opposite binary Universes can be formed from the big bang after the big collision, and they should be expanding to the "limit limit" within the form of half rings in these Universes


Collision of a black hole with a neutron star may also create a new Universe or an incomplete Universe. Gigantic spaces in the universe with few galaxies can be an example of this situation. There must be a limit to infinity. Up to this limit, billions or even trillions of Universes seem possible. There must be a universal constant that can be called "LIMIT number or LIMIT". This number can also be called 'the limit number of infinity'. there may be new Universes or incomplete Universes, but binary Universe formation is more likely in the innermost ring
In order to perceive the energy produced by the collision and explosion of two super-sized black holes, it is necessary to think that the energy size created when an asteroid the size of Mount Everest collided with our Earth 67 million years ago is equal to the energy emitted by the explosion of a billion atomic bombs. Infinite energy created by the collision of opposite supermassive black holes can create all kinds of matter and a new Universe. Also, if the super black holes observed in the early days of the Universe existed before the big collision, they must have grown larger by feeding on the Energy formed by the blast and dark energy and all kinds of other material formations. Some of the supermassive black holes may be the precursors of another new Universe that may form billions of years in the future.

    In a super-sized black hole or neutron star, there must be different formations from the matter we know.

The same phenomenon, when black holes that have reached the limit size collide instead of joining, can create a new twin Universes within the Universe. The colliding black holes must be in opposite directions and their masses should be close to each other. The energy that can be said to be infinitely large, arising from this collision, may be the reason for the continuous and accelerating expansion of the Universe. Maybe dark energy can be caused by this collision. Continuing and limiting expansion, the old Universe in the outermost half-ring will be born, grow and die like everything else.

Infinity must have a limit. Up to this limit, billions or even trillions of Universes seem possible. LIMIT must be a universal constant that can be called a number. This number can also be called the limit of infinity.

                    James webb

The James web may determine the formation of a new binary Universe in the Universe, which will consist of the collision of two supermassive black holes in opposite directions. If there are supermassive neutron stars, their collision with a black hole may lead to the formation of a new Universe or incomplete Universe.

Detailed analysis of light from galaxies that existed early in the formation of the universe has revealed the highest levels of metals at that time. Scientists are still unable to clearly show the origin of the heavy elements they observe
What could be Dark Energy and Dark Matter, why can't it be determined?James webb 23,11.2023)

Although scientists know that it exists and that there is a mass interaction, they still have not been able to detect dark matter and Energy.
Since dark energy can consist of "absolutely symmetrical" particles and pre-matter formations, it cannot be detected or observed.
I think Dark Energy is the same thing as dark matter. Einstein stated that matter = Energy. Dark Energy must be composed of "Absolutely symmetrical" photon-like particles. The matter that we know very little in the universe must consist of colliding particles or matter-antimatter difference.
If there is Absolute asymmetry in the Right and Left radiations of a substance, Energy or formation, I guess, measurement cannot be made. There must be absolute symmetry in dark energy and therefore cannot be observed. It sounds a bit like Heisenberg's "uncertainty" principle in subatomic particles.
Dark matter must also be black holes as we know it, formed by the condensation of dark energy. Everything except the matter we know in the universe must be dark Energy born in the Great Collision.
 The sensed gravitational interaction of dark matter should also be the interaction between the infinite number of particles formed in the great collision and all the black holes in our Universe. The microwave background radiation should also be the remnants of the new Universe formed from the collision and explosion of two supersuper black holes.
In short, apart from the matter we know, dark energy that can create dark matter in the Universe must exist everywhere.


In the early universe, many super black holes were detected in the observable places. These black holes are thought to be formed by the collapse of very massive stars. Super-super black holes 30 billion times the mass of the sun have been observed. Why couldn't it be possible for these black holes to have existed before the big bang or the big collision? They must have contributed to the formation of galaxies and stars in the new Universe, as they were affected by the collision of super-sized Neutron stars.

Massive stars explode in the form of supernovas in the universe. Black holes may also explode. The necessary condition for the explosion is that they reach the end of their growth limit and cannot discharge their energy. Another possibility is collisions at the junction of two opposing super superior black holes. The explosion or collision could create everything necessary for a new Universe.
Only a large number of other black holes are unaffected by a collision and explosion of two or a single super superior black hole. They must have the power to protect themselves. Moreover, a very large amount of matter and gases necessary for their further growth have been formed. This is how Multiverses should be.

Note: There is new news to support this idea or finding.

Spotted a red dot 13.5 billion light-years away. Astronomers state that the yet-unnamed red dot may be the most distant and oldest galaxy.

Astronomy pushes the limits. Last week, a group of astronomers using the Hubble telescope in space detected the most distant star ever observed. This star, 12.9 billion light-years away from Earth, was named Earendel. Another group, now using world-class telescopes, has detected a red dot even further away, almost 13.5 billion light-years away.

The red dot you see in the picture is thought to be a galaxy. If the James Webb telescope can examine this red dot, it can determine that it may be a black hole older than Big-bang.There must be a giant black hole star in the center of the galaxy that was not affected by the big bang or the big collision, and the remnants of the affected, burned galaxy,I think.(Dr.Engin Sayın)

On April 2, 2022, after the star called Earendel, 12.9 billion light years away, another discovery took place on April 7, 2022. Astronomers spotted a red dot 13.5 billion light-years away. Astronomers state that the yet-unnamed red dot may be the most distant and oldest galaxy.

Astronomy pushes the limits. Last week, a group of astronomers using the Hubble telescope in space detected the most distant star ever observed. This star, 12.9 billion light-years away from Earth, was named Earendel. Another group, now using world-class telescopes, has detected a red dot even further away, almost 13.5 billion light-years away.


Considering that the age of our universe is calculated as 13.8 billion years, this red dot was formed only 300 million years after the "Big Bang" that revealed the universe; more precisely, that light we observed began to travel towards us 300 million years after the Big Bang.(News)                                                                                                                            

The latest news: The farthest star Earendel James webb has seen it more clearly than Hubble. As technology improves, it is possible to find stars and galaxies outside our Universe.

More news:

Joe Rogan, Stephen Meyer: Did Images from Webb Space Telescope Refute the Big Bang?

David Klinghoffer

July 14, 2023, 11:22 AM

The universe has a beginning! Listen to Joe Rogan's interview with Stephen Meyer here. Images from the James Webb Telescope refutes the Big Bang Theory

James Webb discovers the largest galaxy cluster embryo in the early universe. November 23, 2023
There is nothing larger than a galaxy cluster in the known universe, but how galaxy clusters form remains largely a mystery to scientists. I think,there may be a large black hole in the middle of each galaxy in a galaxy cluster. These black holes may have been there before the big bang or collision. In the early universe, the formation of galaxies in a short time and the presence of metals in their structures may support the possibility of a multiverse. The big bang may result in a new and youngest Universe within the Universe.


                                                 Oldest supernovae (meson stars                       350 million years after the Big-Bang, the presence of heavy elements in distant galaxies was determined. Heavy elements can only be formed by supernova explosions. It should be considered that the black hole holes that make up distant galaxies could have existed before Bing-bang, and that instead of a singularity, two oppositely opposite super-black hole collisions should be considered.


An entire universe of “mirror” particles may exist within ourselves, and astronomers may know where to look first: into the mysterious hearts of supposed “mirror stars.”
Recent research suggests that our galaxy may have a vast population of “mirror stars” made up of mysterious forms of matter that don’t interact with light or normal matter. Mirror Star is a virtual space object based on the concept of “mirror matter.” This is a type of dark matter that has the same properties as normal matter, except in some ways reversed. That is, mirror matter has opposite charges, magnetic moments, and parity.
    Mirror stars could also cast doubt on our understanding of the nature of reality and the symmetries of the universe. Mirror stars could mean that there are hidden regions of the universe that exist parallel to our universe but are invisible to us. This hidden sector may have its own physics, its own history, and its own evolution. They may also have their own forms of matter, energy, and life that are very different from our own. The Mirror Star may serve as a gateway to this hidden sector and provide a glimpse into a mirror world beyond our imagination. Mesonstars com.Black hole.December 31,2023

Black holes, which have existed since the beginning of time, can swallow stars from the inside Black hole abundance: Astronomers discovered 32 collisions and a mysterious merger (mesonstars.com.1.1.2024).
Black holes may have existed before the beginning of time. In other words, the massive black holes observed in the early stages of the universe may be older than our Universe. There is the possibility of multiple universes. The big-bang may not be as defined. The formation of new Universes within the Universe may be initiated by the collision of two oppositely charged black holes of supermassive mass and size.


Scientists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose concluded that every black hole has a so-called singularity at its center. This is the point at which gravity reaches infinite strength. Mathematician and astrophysicist Roy Carr’s work not only casts doubt on this theory. Scientists aren’t even sure if a singularity occurs after a star collapses and forms an event horizon (a region of space from which light cannot escape due to gravity). He emphasizes that the singularity assumption is based on faith rather than hard scientific evidence.(january 6.2024.mesonstars.com)

The Big-bang, which is accepted to have occurred from a singularity, may not be valid. I think the collision of two super-super black holes may create a new Universe or twin universes within the Universe.


                                   Data from the James Webb Telescope confirmed that the first black holes were not formed from stars.February 8.2024.

                                                                 Thank you NASA and James Webb, Hubble, ESA and others...


Writing in a journal published by the British Institute of Art and Ideas, Lerner reported that NASA’s new telescope detected galaxies that are older and more numerous than astronomers expected. He then argued that this discovery supported his decades-old claim that “the Big Bang never happened” and also that astronomers are “panicking” about this.

Though many media outlets picked up the story, astronomers aren’t actually worried and for good reason.

The Big Bang affirms that the universe began a finite time ago and then expanded from a state of near-infinite density and temperature. The first evidence for this came in the 1910s and ’20s. Astronomers discovered that light from distant galaxies was stretched out or “red-shifted” as if the galaxies were moving away from us. Just as sound waves from a receding police siren stretch out and drop in pitch, light waves from a receding object in the night sky stretch out and look redder upon analysis than they would otherwise look.(September 22)

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