Gene expression of the same genes in the right and left halves of the body cells may differ slightly from each other, and therefore the right and left body structures of living things are not completely symmetrical.
DNA,genes and chromosomes must be homochiral and asymmetrically located in the nuclei of cells in the right and left halves of the body, in reverse mirror image of each other.
DNA,genes and chromosomes should be homochiral asymmetric in the right and left part of the body;ıt may lead to the different gene expression between the right and left part of the body cells DNA.The DNA chains and the double helix formed by them should be located in the opposite mirror image of each other in the cells of the right and left halves of the body; this formation should create the asymmetry in the right and left body halves due to different gene functions in the cells in the body halves.
DNA,genes and chromosomes should be homochiral asymmetric in the right and left part of the body;ıt may lead to the different gene expression between the right and left part of the body cells DNA.The DNA chains and the double helix formed by them should be located in the opposite mirror image of each other in the cells of the right and left halves of the body; this formation should create the asymmetry in the right and left body halves due to different gene functions in the cells in the body halves.
DNA chains and double helical structure should be located in the cell nuclei in the right and left halves of the body, in the opposite mirror image of each other and they are asymmetrical.
If we divide the human body into two halves in the middle, everything in the right half of the body must be right-handed and the left half must be left-handed, just like our right and left hands.
I think everything in the universe and our world, animate and inanimate, was formed in a single non-symmetrical body or in the form homochiral structures.
If we divide the human body into two halves in the middle, everything in the right half of the body must be right-handed and the left half must be left-handed, just like our right and left hands.
Get the mirror image copy of a photograph, cut them at the mid-line and put left to left and right to right parts.Now we see two different phenotypes of the same person
The blue right hand with open palm in the left half of the picture was shaped as a leading strand (5'-3') position. The red right hand next to it was shaped as a lagging strand (3'-5') as the outer face of the blue hand turned 180 degrees downwards. In the right and left halves of the figure, both right glove or double helix DNA shapes the cell nuclei in the right and left halves of living things to be structured as the opposite of the mirror images of each other. In this way, the leading and lagging chains are the opposite of the mirror images of each other in the cell nuclei and the DNA helix is located mirror image of each other on the right and left sides of the body . Both the reverse mirror image placement of the DNA chains and the mirror image placement in the right and left half sections of the DNA double helix may be an important secret of life.
The double helix in the cells on the right of the body should be located in the opposite mirror image of each other in the cells on the left half of the body. DNA helix is right-handed. It is never possible to transform the right glove into a left glove without destroying its structure. A right-handed or left-handed molecule is generally preferred for homochiral molecular structures in living things. The secret of its living structure must be the homochiral light asymmetry of the right-handed molecule in the reverse form of the mirror image. Nature has used this technique in the formation of the DNA helix, which is the basis for the formation of life. It has placed the right-handed vitality building blocks as the reverse of the mirror image, without destroying its right-handed feature. This lay out model explains the left-handedness of all amino acids. Because the right-handed leading chain is always
copied, left-handed amino acids are copied and formed in the 180 degree opposite direction. Anticodons are read in the 3'-5' direction, and in mRNA, the codons are read in the 5'-3' direction. For example, if the anticodon base sequence is 3'-AAG-5', the codon in the mRNA is 5'-UUC-3'
We cannot transform the left glove into a right glove in any way without destroying its structure. When we turn our left hand, whose palm we see in the picture, is reversed, our hand is still the left hand, but the left thumb pointing to the left now points to the right direction. The right-handed leading strand is always used as a template in protein synthesis, and due to the 180-degree opposition, all amino acids are formed from the left-handed. This must be a nature and vitality secret.
I think everything in the universe and our world, animate and inanimate, was formed in a single non-symmetrical body or in the form homochiral structures.
The VAN cat lives in the Van region of Turkey and has different eye colorsThere is also Heterocromia in humans rarely.
In the right part body cells DNA and genes should be inverted mirror image of the left part body genes but not completely symmetrical and produce right-left body halves asymmetry ı think.
Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product. These products are often proteins, but in non-protein coding genes such as ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA) or small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes, the product is a functional RNA. The process of gene expression is used by all known life -eukaryotes (including multicellular organisms), prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea), and utilized by viruses - to generate themacromolecular machinery for life. Several steps in the gene expression process may be modulated, including the transcription,RNA splicing, translation, and post-translational modification of a protein. Gene regulation gives the cell control over structure and function, and is the basis for cellular differentiation, morphogenesis and the versatility and adaptability of any organism. Gene regulation may also serve as a substrate for evolutionary change, since control of the timing, location, and amount of gene expression can have a profound effect on the functions (actions) of the gene in a cell or in a multicellular organism.
In genetics, gene expression is the most fundamental level at which the genotype gives rise to the phenotype. The genetic codestored in DNA is "interpreted" by gene expression, and the properties of the expression give rise to the organism's phenotype. Such phenotypes are often expressed by the synthesis of proteins that control the organism's shape, or that act as enzymes catalysing specific metabolic pathways characterising the organism.
Inheritance of a gene that has two different alleles (blue and white). The gene is located on an autosomal chromosome. The white allele is recessive to the blue allele. The probability of each outcome in the children's generation is one quarter, or 25 percent.(wikipedia) Rather than being dominant or recessive, allele genes should function differently in the right and left halves of the body due to slight asymmetry and opposite localization.The asymmetry between the right and left half of the body can be caused by the same genes functioning slightly differently in the right and left halves of the body.
Left and right half body asymmetry
I observed the right and left kidneys, ovaries and testicles in the
cows, calves, sheep and the rams. There was an obvious
asymmetry, changing species to species and their’s individuals. In
the one of the calves right kidney was heavier 300 gram and longer
3 cm than the left. Human body has a bilateral symmetric structure
but there is an internal and external asymmetry.
The brain hemispheres look like mirror images of each other, but they are not completely symmetrical and show various functional differences.
Genotype determines the phenotype. To produce the left-rightasymmetry, there must be some differences in the genes
expression,fonction and orientation between the right and left part of the bodies cells.They form and produce the asymmetric phenotype. The left- right phenotypes are similar but not just symmetric.It is specific for every species and individuals and forms and produce an asymmetric phenotypes as if there are two different phenotypes in the one phenotype.
Here I tried to explain how this similar but asymmetric phenotype might beprogrammed and formed at the DNA leveI.
Right and left brain hemisphere are different from each other physically and functionally but not completely symmetrical
The right and left kidneys are mirror images of each other but are slightly asymmetrical
Right and left kidney have an obvious asymmetry.If the genes expression and function are the same between them,they must be just symmetric but not.That is ,there must be a slightly genes expression diferencies between them.Right kidney must be right handed and left kidney must be left handed;they are homo chiral asymmetric look -like our hands
Figure 1.In body cells, the leading strand(5'-3') and the lagging strand(3'-5') should be localized to the opposite mirror image of each other. The DNA chains and double helixes have to be placed in the cells on the right and left of our body parts as the opposite of the mirror image of each other. They have changed direction in the opposite position. We see our right hand as our left hand in the mirror, in reality it is the right hand again. The right glove cannot be transformed into a left glove without breaking its structure,
The secret of nature must be hidden here. In the mirror, we see our right hand as our left hand, but in reality what we see is the right hand again. We see the blue hand as the lagging strand on the right of the body, like a downward facing red hand, but what we see is the blue hand, that is, the leading strand. 180 degrees direction. It has changed, turned in the opposite direction, and there has been no change in its structure. Due to the structuring of DNA chains in the opposite direction of the mirror image, the leading strand has turned into the lagging strand direction. The most important result of this placement is that it can always be used as a leading strand pattern in protein synthesis in the right and left halves of the body. The right-handed leading strand should always be generating left-handed amino acids by this method.
In the cells of both body halves, right-handed double helixes are located in inverted mirror images of each other and both right-handed. If all the copied amino acids are used as a template for right-handed leading strand protein synthesis in cells in the right half of the body, the leading chain should be used as a template again because of the reverse placement of the mirror image in the cells of the left half. In other words, the lagging chain is directed as the leading strand in the cells of the left half of the body; all amino acids must be left-handed depending on this orientation.
The placement of all cells in our body should also be according to this model. That is, the cells in our right body half are right-handed, those in our left half are perceived as left-handed as a mirror image, but in reality they are right-handed. We see our right hand as our left hand in the mirror, but what we see is our right hand. You cannot make a glove, but you can change its direction without disturbing its structure.
Genotype determines phenotype. To produce the left-right asymmetry, there must be some differences in the same gene expression,structure and orientation between the right and left part of the body cells.
The same allele genes may function slightly differently in the cells of the right and left half of the body due to their homochiral asymmetric placement, which is the opposite of mirror images of each other, and therefore, right-left asymmetry may occur.
Two enantiomers of a generic aminoacid that is chiral.Here ,I think there should be very very little asymmetry between them ,looks like our left and right hands.Sequences of the aminoacids and proteins could be according to where they are.I mean here they are mirror image of each other.
The orientation of the chromosomes and the genes
If the homolog chromosomes and genes in the right part of the body cells might be right handed ,they are also right handed in the left part of the body cells. We can never make a right-handed glove left-handed without breaking its structure, but we can change its direction.There is homochiral asymmetry and their structure has not changed, but their direction has changed in the opposite direction.
For example; if the allele genes localization is the Ss-Ss in the both homolog chromosomes at the right part, it is the mirror image of the sS-sS in the left part’s homolog chromosomes but not just symmetric;functions and expressions should be diferent at this position. There may be also very slight asymmetry between the right homolog chromosomes and left homolog chromosomes and also genes, look like our hands. Right hand is the mirror image of the left hand.Right hand and arm is stronger than the left ın the right handed people.That is, they aren't just symmetric asphenotype and functionally.
There should be inverted mirror image orientation for genes between the right and left part of the body cells.Chiral molecules show different functions due to the directionality.There are similarities with the chiral molecules and genes functions but should not completely same
Asymmetry starts during the embryonic development
Right and left differency or asymmetry in the human body and other species start to produce during the two cells stage due two handedness and light asymmetry.Those cells are not completly symmetric and this is essential to produce for bilateral asymmetric phenotypes .DNA strands are located as inverted mirror image from each other. The spatial orientation of the cells,tissues and organs in the right and left part of the body must be mirror image from each other due to handedness but not just symmetrically look like our hands.
The right and left or up and down cells in zygote are also different from each other but not completly symmetric but similar. During the four cells stage there are also right - left or up-down light asymmetry, similarity and differency.It goes to form until a similar but not completly symmetric phenotype.
In many animal species, the point of entry of a sperm into an egg cell
during fertilization apparently determines the orientation of the division
of the one celled embryo in two cells. The entry point also apparently
determines the orientation of one of the three embryonic axes; left to right,
front to back and head to back .
I suggest; if the ovum is matured atthe right ovary, it must be right oriented and directed and contains right direction haploid chromosomes include sex chromosomes. The left ovary might be left oriented and directed contains the left oriented directed genes and chromosomes but not just symmetric.
The ova and sperm in the right body half of living beings should be right-handed, and the ova and sperm in the left half of the living being should be left-handed, just like our right and left hands.
If this view is right, the left oriented and directed sperm must fertilize the right oriented -directed ovum for normal gestation.If a sperm is formed in the right testicle,it must be right-handed and directed.If an ovum is produced at the left ovary,it must be left -hand left oriented.
(The large statistics provided by this lensfree imaging platform revealed that only approximately 4–5% of the motile human sperms swim along well-defined helices and that this percentage can be significantly suppressed under seminal plasma. Furthermore, among these observed helical human sperms, a significant majority (approximately 90%) preferred right-handed helices over left-handed ones, with a helix radius of approximately 0.5–3 μm, a helical rotation speed of approximately 3–20 rotations/s and a linear speed of approximately 20–100 μm/s. (Ting-wei su,Liang xue and Aydoğan Özcan.Pnas Vol.100 No40 16018-16012,doi 10.1073/Pnas 1212506109.Edited by Wallace F. Marshall, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, and accepted by the Editorial Board August 16, 2012 (received for review July 21, 2012)
-In this research proves sperms have handedness.I claimed that 10 years ago.Actually this article was written about eight years ago.
Now,ı also claim that the if the sperms ara produced in the right testis they must have right -handed,İf they are made in the left Testis they should be left-handed.27.12 1916 E.S-
We can not use your left hand to the right glove;is the same here.
The right –handed sperm fertilizes the left ovum. That is, 23
chromosomes might be left-handed and 23 chromosomes might be righthanded
in zygote asymmetrically. After the sperm and ovum fused, everything might be
reorganized for determining the new embryonic handedness in an asymmetric formed structure.
-In this research proves sperms have handedness.I claimed that 10 years ago.Actually this article was written about eight years ago.
Now,ı also claim that the if the sperms ara produced in the right testis they must have right -handed,İf they are made in the left Testis they should be left-handed.27.12 1916 E.S-
We can not use your left hand to the right glove;is the same here.
The right –handed sperm fertilizes the left ovum. That is, 23
chromosomes might be left-handed and 23 chromosomes might be righthanded
in zygote asymmetrically. After the sperm and ovum fused, everything might be
reorganized for determining the new embryonic handedness in an asymmetric formed structure.
There is light asymmetry and handedness in the meiosis and mitosis.
I think;everything that chemically and physically similar shaped as right-left not fully symmetric from particles to universe may be an essential for a new physical law and it also may be main part of the teory of the everything.
Bilateral asymmetrical formation must be an important vitality feature
The asymmetry in the right-left races of living things' bodies and the mirror image or reverse mirror image structuring of DNA may be a law of nature or a secret of life.