Binary or dual opposite homochiral asymmetric formations, must be an unknown law of nature
Everything from subatomic particles to the Universe has been formed in a non-symmetrical, physically-chemically similar, opposite direction, binary and handed structure. The asymmetric bilateral structuring in the human body should be in the mechanism that initiates electrical and chemical reaction.From subatomic particles to the Universe,
Everything that is not fully symmetrical, physically, chemically similar, dual opposite direction and handed formed in the same structure may have occurred according to unknown law of physic.This theory is based on non-symmetrical oppositional duality. its look like our right and left hands and they are mirror image of each others ,chiral but not completely symmetric
The DNA chains and the double helix formed by them should be located in the opposite mirror image of each other in the cells of the right and left halves of the body
According to quantum theory, 'a particle can be in two different places at the same time regardless of the distance between them'. But I think if one of them is right handed formed ,the other one must be left handed formed but not fully symmetrical
Similarity, asymmetry (not completely symmetric) and a mirror image should be the basic rules.If right side is in positive in right-handed formation ,left side is left-handed and negative and that rule is also identical for every direction - north-south , east -west and up-down.
Entanglement theory is a theory that emerged when two entangled parts in the universe display actions in opposite ways. These two different particles, which we can call "brother" or "connected", no matter how far apart they are, one turns clockwise, the other rotates counterclockwise.
According to quantum mechanics, "a particle can be in different places at the same time without recognizing the distance between them." In my opinion, these particles must be in the opposite direction and handed mirror image of each other. In binary star systems, quantum mechanics may have a reflection in the macroscopic Universe. and the left -right body half must have been formed according to the same theory. Our right and left hands are mirror image of each other and chiral.
If there are multiple Universes, they are also in the same rule (not exactly symmetrical, physically and chemically similar. It should have occurred as right-handed and left-handed (left-handed) mirror image. Just like our right and left hands
Single universe
Right-handed Universes
Left-handed and right- handed Universes
(Mirror Anti-Universe
The state of universe, as it is, does not violate the CPT symmetry, because the Big Bang could be considered as a double sided event, both classically and quantum mechanically, consisting of a universe-antiuniverse pair. Meaning that this universe is the charge (C), parity (P) and time (T) image of the anti-universe. This pair emerged from the big bang epochs not directly into a hot, radiation-dominated era. The antiuniverse would flow back in time from the Big Bang, becoming bigger as it does so, it would be also dominated by antimatter. Its spatial properties are inverted if compared to those in our universe, this situation could be analogous to creating electron-positron pairs in a vacuum. This model, devised by physicists from the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Canada, proposes that temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are due to the quantum-mechanical nature of space-time near the Big Bang singularity. [14] Meaning that a point in the future of our universe and a point in the distant past of the antiuniverse would provide fixed classical points, while all possible quantum-based permutations would exist in-between. Quantum uncertainty causes the universe and antiuniverse to not be exact mirror images of each other.[15]
This model has not shown if it can reproduce certain observations regarding the inflation scenario, such as explaining the uniformity of the cosmos on large scales. However, it provides a natural and straightforward explanation for dark matter. Such universe-antiuniverse pair would produce large numbers of superheavy neutrinos, also known as sterile neutrinos. These neutrinos might also be the source of recently observed bursts of high-energy cosmic rays-Wikipedia)
Some time after the big explosion, only matter and anti-matter existed, and they were constantly destroying each other. A very little asymmetry difference between matter and anti-matter created the Universe we see today. in all cases, there should be another Universes made up of anti-matter
Helium Atom If one of them is right handed formed ,the other one is left handed formed
Single Universe model ,might be up-down, right -left,north -south ,east-west dual formed.There is a bit asymmetry between the pairs but they are similiar as reverse phsically and chemically
There may be a super black hole in each of the starting points of dual universes;they are similar but not fully symmetric just like our right and left hands
Opposite Universes should be in the form of mirror images of each other, but they are not fully symmetrical .
Handed-Universe models in the the same direction
Universes should be in the form of mirror images of each other, but they are not fully symmetrical as in the mirror. There should be a little some differences between their size and mass. These two similar Universes, like the galaxies and the stars, must die and be reborn. The source of the dark energy known to exist and yet undetectable is the incredible gravitational effect of these massive blackholes.
It has a nucleus in the middle of the atom, earth and sun.There is a black hole in the center of the galaxies ,There should be a super black hole in the center or edge of the universe
A second-like formation of almost everything, why not our Universe have it? I think there is an another similar universe in reverse formation to the our universe. as pair Multy universes are also possible
Instead of the big bang, it is possible that a very large super black hole has exploded and created the Universe.
The temperature of the cosmic background radiation spectrum determined by the COBE satellite.The big bang may not exist. These remnants formed in the early universe may have been formed from the massive collision.
In everything living and non-living, there is a duality that is not fully symmetrical.
A proton is composed of two up quarks, one down quark, and the gluons that mediate the forces "binding" them together.
The quark content of the neutron.
As seen in these proton -neutron figures, there is even asymmetry in the up and down It may create the asymmetry between proton and neutron.
"Everything (from subatomic particles to stars, Galaxies and the Universe) that is not exactly symmetrical, physically, chemically similar, living-non-living binary, oppositely oriented and handed, formed the neighbourity is a rule of nature or a law of physics. "We can call this phenomenon" INVERTED DIRECTION ASYMMETRIC BINARY SIMILARITY "theory or law;It can be named as asyymetric handedness."Everything (from subatomic particles to stars, Galaxies and the Universe) that is not exactly symmetrical, physically, chemically similar, living-non-living binary, oppositely oriented and handed, formed under the neighbor or the same structure or neighbor, is a rule of nature or a law of physics. "We can call this phenomenon" CONTRAST ASYMMETRIC BINARY SIMILARITY "theory or law. In another name, ASYMMETRIC HANDEDNESS . The asymmetry ratio here is as much as the difference between our right and left hands,and our hands are miror images of each other
It is likely that instead of the big bang, ultra dense-extra super black holes exploded or collided and created the Universe. It is known that matter and anti-matter occur after the big bang. Matter must be right-handed or left-handed. If leftsided anti-matter have a little more than right-sided anti-matter, it have created a similar left-handed universe that is entirely made up of anti-matter. This rule is also valid in the Universe which is composed of right or left handed matter., Invisible dark matter must have occurred by the combination of the right-handed matter with the right-handed matter
(In physical cosmology, the baryon asymmetry problem, also known as the matter asymmetry problem or the matter-antimatter asymmetry problem, is the observed imbalance in baryonic matter (the type of matter experienced in everyday life) and antibaryonic matter in the observable universe. Neither the standard model of particle physics, nor the theory of general relativity provides a known explanation for why this should be so, and it is a natural assumption that the universe is neutral with all conserved charges. The Big Bang should have produced equal amounts of matter and antimatter. Since this does not seem to have been the case, it is likely some physical laws must have acted differently or did not exist for matter and antimatter. Several competing hypotheses exist to explain the imbalance of matter and antimatter that resulted in baryogenesis. However, there is as of yet no consensus theory to explain the phenomenon. As remarked in a 2012 research paper, "The origin of matter remains one of the great mysteries in physics."-Wikipedia)
Suggested, asymmetric dual handedness theory may be explain those unknown asymmetries
There is a duality in the physical formation of trees, other plants and vegetables.
If the human body is divided in half, the structure of the 'duality law' can be seen in a living being. The right and left halves of our body are not fully symmetrical.
There is not much difference with the earth's magnetic field with a magnet
Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are similar formations,and there is also asymmetric duality law here
If the human body is divided in half, the structure of the 'duality law' can be seen in a living being. The right and left halves of our body are not fully symmetrical.
There is not much difference with the earth's magnetic field with a magnet
Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies are similar formations,and there is also asymmetric duality law here
Similarities between neighboring planets may not be random. There is asymmetry and similarity between neighboring planets like Earth-Venus,Jupiter -Satürn and Uranus-Neptune
Choromosomes and Evolution
I bought mychrosomes from my fathaer and mother
They took it from their parents, in other words, from my grandparents. Grandparents also took their chromosomes from their parents, with absolute equality. This process continues as 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 .... The person who finds the same chess wants from the king; Starting each chess square from a wheat bar, two on the second square, four on the third square .... like the prize it wants to pass the world wheat production for several years.
For 2000 years, an unbelievable figure is obtained. It supports the theory of evolution.
Thesee findings are also support evolition teory.
I wrote it nine years ago and published.( 2000) Dr.Engin Sayin Bodrum
Etiketler: Binary or dual opposite homochiral asymmetric formations, must be an unknown law of nature
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